Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia
Plan for Anti-fraud Measures
The Governing Council of March 29, 2022 approved a Plan of measures to cover anti-fraud, conflict of interest, double financing and state aid requirements and non-significant damage to the environment for initiatives financed with resources from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, required in the execution of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) (ES) as well as the Institutional Declaration assuming the commitment of the Basque Government to fight against fraud.
BIOBIZKAIA’s Commitment
BIOBIZKAIA fully subscribes to this commitment to fight against fraud in the implementation of initiatives whose budget has been financed with funds from the European Recovery and Resilience Mechanism. To develop this commitment, BIOBIZKAIA will apply the plan of measures defined by the Basque Government in line with EU regulations, thus reinforcing compliance with legal, ethical and moral standards, as well as the principles of integrity, objectivity and honesty that BIOBIZKAIA maintains in all its actions. BIOBIZKAIA institutional statement (ES).
Recovery and Resilience Mechanism Complaints Box
For the purpose of responding to potential complaints or charges regarding activities financed through the RRM, and also to comply with the plan for measures to meet the requirements for anti-fraud, conflict of interest, double financing and state assistance and non-significant environmental damage, a digital complaints box has been created, ( which is open to all parties and citizens in general. More information on this mailbox can be found at the following link.