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Internationalization is a transversal element in all Research and Innovation actions. Biobizkaia works both on promoting participation in European and international R&D&I programs, as well as on European and international collaboration in the areas of: Research Infrastructures in biomedicine and International Joint Programming Initiatives; European Associations, calls for international collaboration and other international consortia.

Promoting internationalization in Biobizkaia contributes to the improvement of research excellence and competitiveness.

Services offered from the unit:

  • Contact and coordination with relevant people, teams, departments or entities and generation of ad hoc working groups for the preparation of international proposals.
  • Scientific-technical management of international projects.
  • Monitoring of international projects.
  • Development of dissemination and communication activities for international projects.
  • Promote collaborations with key actors such as other institutes, companies, universities and scientific-technological agents to strengthen institutional relationships.
  • Provide technical assistance from the institute to research staff in the preparation and review of proposals for international research projects.
  • Strengthen strategic international alliances.

Platform members



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Pho.: 94 618 26 22

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