Portal transparencia
In accordance with the provisions of Law 19/2013, of December 9, on transparency, access to public information and good governance (LTAIBG), and in order to channel the publication of information and facilitate compliance with these active publicity obligations, the Biobizkaia Health Research Institute makes this Transparency Portal available to the public.
Institutional Information
Application regulations
Constitution of the Biobizkaia Health Research Institute (ES)
More information on the BIOEF web portal (ES)
Functions that it develops
information about the presentation and the mission that is developed in Biobizkaia./p>
Organization chart
Information of the organizational structure.
Annual and multiannual plans and programs
Biobizkaia Strategic Plan (ES)
OSI Ezkerraldea Enkarterri Cruces Strategic Plan (ES)
Euskadi health research strategy 2022-2025 (ES)
Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (ES)
Science, technology and innovation plan 2030
Legal information
Norms are not produced and therefore the corresponding files are not instructed (draft bills, draft regulations, guidelines, instructions, circulars...).
The production of regulations is the responsibility of the Basque Government: we attach a link to Legegunea, which is where all the information of legal relevance published by the Basque Government can be found.
Economic, budgetary and statistical information
Access to the contractor's profile
Statistical data on the percentage in budgetary volume of contracts awarded through each of the planned procedures
Statistics contracts year 2023 (ES)
Statistics contracts year 2022 (ES)
Statistics contracts year 2021 (ES)
Statistics contracts year 2020 (ES)
Statistics contracts year 2019 (ES)
Grants and aid granted
This entity does not grant external aid or subsidies.
Annual accounts and external audit reports
Annual accounts and external audit reports (ES)
Economic reports
Presentation economic report 2023 (ES)
Presentation economic report 2022 (ES)
Presentation economic report 2021 (ES)
Presentation economic report 2020 (ES)
Presentation economic report 2019 (ES)
Presentation economic report 2018 (ES)
Presentation economic report 2017 (ES)
Information related to senior positions
There are no figures of high positions.
Resolutions of authorization or acknowledgment of compatibility that affect employees
They do not exist.
Statistical information to assess the degree of compliance and quality of public competition services
Information on the services provided by the Basque Government and its autonomous bodies (ES)
List of real estate owned by them or over which they hold any real right
This entity does not own any real estate or hold any real rights over any real estate.
Access public information request
The agreement of the Governing Council of January 13, 2015, approving operating measures in the administration of the CAE in terms of access to public information, active publicity and in relation to progress in the culture of transparency and good governance, determines that a common registry of access to public information must be guaranteed for the CAE Administration and its public sector.
All requests from the general administration of the CAE and its public sector must be channeled through ZUZENEAN, mailbox for the right of access to public information.